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    Giuseppe BARBATO


    Corso di laurea magistrale in PSICOLOGIA DEI PROCESSI COGNITIVI

    SSD: M-PSI/02

    CFU: 6,00


    Periodo di Erogazione: Primo Semestre


    Lingua di insegnamento



    Teaching language



    Sleep : Theories on sleep function. Sleep duration: short and long sleepers.
    Sleep Assessment Method

    Textbook and course materials

    A manual of standardized terminology, techniques and scoring system for sleep stages of human subjects:A. Rechtschaffen and A. Kales (Editors). (Public Health Service, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington
    The Rhythms Of Life: The Biological Clocks That Control the Daily Lives of Every Living ThingLeon Kreitzman , Russell Foster, Profile Books, 2011
    Rapid Eye Movement Sleep, Birendra N. Mallick , S.R.Pandi-Perumal, Robert W. McCarley,Adrian R. Morrison, Cambridge, 2011.

    Course objectives

    Mechanisms and functions of sleep and of circadian rhythms. Modification of sleep patterns due to mental illness. Circadian and seasonal rhythms. Sleep and dreaming.


    Background on Physyological psychology

    Teaching methods


    Evaluation methods

    Oral exam

    Course Syllabus

    Psychophysiology of sleep and circadian rhythms
    Objectives: Mechanisms and functions of sleep and of circadian rhythms. Modification of sleep patterns due to mental illness. Circadian and seasonal rhythms. Sleep and dreaming.
    Sleep : Theories on sleep function. Sleep duration: short and long sleepers.
    Sleep Assessment Methodologies : Polysomnography, sleep stages (stage scoring and analysis methods)
    Delta sleep : restorative function, homeostasis, delta sleep significance for mental processes.
    REM sleep: Hypothesis on REM sleep function, REM regulation: circadian and homeostatic hypotheses.
    Sleep regulation models. Homeostatic and restorative hypotheses, circadian factors,REM regulation, tonic and phasic aspects.
    Biological Rhythms: Classifiication of rhythms (Ultradian, circadian, sesonal) and their role on psychological functions, circadian pacemaker, suprachiasmatic nuclei.
    Melatonina. Regulation of melatonin secretion. Seasonal Rhythm. Seasonal Affective Disorder.
    Dreaming : theories on dreaming functions.Sigmund Freud and psychoanalitic theory of dreaming, Bion, consciounsness and dreaming.
    Dreaming Psychophysiology. Hobson and McCarley activation synthesis model. Dreaming, the neuropsychological approach.
    Drug effects on sleep and dreaming.
    Mental processes and sleep.Memory, cognition and sleep: Experimental models and theories.
    Sleep Disorders
    Sleep and psychiatryc illnesses: REM sleep and depression; Sleep and circadian rhythm in schizophrenia;Sleep and anxiety disorders. Sleep and Alzheimer.
    Textbook :
    A manual of standardized terminology, techniques and scoring system for sleep stages of human subjects:A. Rechtschaffen and A. Kales (Editors). (Public Health Service, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington
    The Rhythms Of Life: The Biological Clocks That Control the Daily Lives of Every Living ThingLeon Kreitzman , Russell Foster, Profile Books, 2011
    Rapid Eye Movement Sleep, Birendra N. Mallick , S.R.Pandi-Perumal, Robert W. McCarley,Adrian R. Morrison, Cambridge, 2011.

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