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    1. Panico, G. Cordasco, C. Vogel, L. Trojano, A. Esposito.
      Ethical issues in Assistive Ambient Living technologies for ageing well.
      In Multimedia Tools and Applications,(DOI), 2020.
    2. Esposito, T. Amorese, M. Cuciniello, M.T. Riviello, G. Cordasco
      How Human Likeness, Gender and Ethnicity affect Elders’Acceptance of Assistive Robots.
      In IEEE International Conference on Human-Machine Systems (ICHMS 2020), (DOI), 2020.
    3. Tolgay, M. Maldonato, C. Vogel, G. Cordasco, L. Trojano, A. Esposito
      Frontal Left Alpha Activity as an Indicator of Willingness to Interact with Virtual Agents: A pilot study.
      In 11th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications (CogInfoCom), (DOI), 2020.
    4. Esposito, I. Cirillo, A. Esposito, L. Fortunati, G.L. Foresti, S. Escalera, N. Bourbakis
      Impairments in Decoding Facial and Vocal Emotional Expressions in High Functioning Autistic Adults and Adolescents.
      In 15th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG 2020), (DOI), 2020.
    5. Esposito, T. Amorese, M. Maldonato, A. Vinciarelli, M. I. Torres, S. Escalera, G. Cordasco
      Seniors’ ability to decode differently aged facial emotional expressions.
      In 15th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG 2020), (DOI), 2020.
    6. Cordasco, M. Buonanno, M. Faundez-Zanuy, M.T. Riviello, L.Likforman-Sulem, A. Esposito
      Gender Identification through Handwriting: an Online Approach.
      In 11th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications (CogInfoCom), (DOI), 2020.
    7. Esposito, G. Raimo, M. Maldonato, C. Vogel, M. Conson, G. Cordasco
      Behavioral Sentiment Analysis of Depressive States.
      In 11th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications (CogInfoCom), (DOI), 2020.
    8. Economides, C. Baiano, I. Zappullo, M. Conson, J. Kalli-Laouri, Y. Laouris, A. Esposito
      Is Autism, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Specific Learning Disorder linked to Impaired Emotion Recognition in Primary School Aged Children?
      In IEEE International Conference on Human-Machine Systems (ICHMS 2020), (DOI), 2020.
    9. Economides, Y. Laouris, and A. Esposito
      Emotion Recognition a Transdiagnostic Feature in Children and Adolescents with ASD and ADHD: The Humanitarian Perspective.
      In Journal of Childhood & Developmental DisordersISSN 2472-1786, (DOI) (link), 2020.
    10. Esposito, A. Troncone
      Effect of Attachment and Personality Styles on the Ability to Interpret Emotional Vocal Expressions: A Cross-sectional Study.
      The Open Psychology Journal, (DOI) (link), 2020.
    11. Aloshban, A. Esposito, A. Vinciarelli (2020) Detecting Depression in Less Than 10 Seconds: Impact of Speaking Time on Depression Detection Sensitivity. ICMI '20: Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on Multimodal InteractionOctober 2020, pp 79–87

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